Sometimes it's needed to add your own Merge Tag to already defined Trigger. In example you can add a custom meta Merge Tag to default Post Published Trigger.
To do this simply hook into the action and add your Merge Tag:
// Hook just after the Trigger is registered.add_action('notification/trigger/registered',function( $trigger ) {// Check if registered Trigger is the one you need.if ( 'wordpress/post/updated'!== $trigger->get_slug() ) {return; }// Pay attention to the Tag type you are defining.// If you want to output an HTML, use HtmlTag instead. $trigger->add_merge_tag(newBracketSpace\Notification\Defaults\MergeTag\StringTag( ['slug'=>'new_merge_tag','name'=> __('New Merge Tag','textdomain'),'resolver'=>function( $trigger ) {return get_post_meta( $trigger->post->ID,'_my_meta_key', true ); }, ] ) );} );
Targeting all Post Type Triggers
You can target all the Post Type Triggers like this: