One of the coolest Notification features is the white labeling. To put it in this mode you’ll need to call just one function:
if ( function_exists( 'notification_whitelabel' ) ) {
What it does is just removes all the default triggers. The fun part starts with the parameters you can use. See below:
notification_whitelabel( [
// admin page hook under which you want the Notifications to be displayed.
'page_hook' => 'edit.php?post_type=page',
// if display extensions.
'extensions' => false,
// if display settings.
'settings' => false,
// control settings access, provided user IDs will have an access.
// this works only if settings are enabled.
'settings_access' => array( 123, 456 ),
] );
If Notifications page is moved to a submenu of another page, the settings and extensions are added as a separate submenu.
Adjusting Notification post type labels and capabilities